Tag Archives: Robert Mugabe

Three Reported Dead in Tehran Clashes

If you haven’t, check out our earlier live blog of today’s protests in Tehran after Ahmadinejad was declared the winner of the presidential election. Some unverified reports say 50-100 people died in clashes, but BNO can only confirm three deaths so far, BNO.

President Obama met with Zimbabwe Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai today and pledged to give $73m in aid to the struggling country. Tsvangirai shares power with President Robert Mugabe, who is widely criticized by international powers, BBC News.

The launch of the space shuttle Endeavour has been delayed because of a hydrogen gas leak. A second launch attempt will take at least four days, SPACE.

Hot Topic: NPR takes a look at military families who will have to have to celebrate Father’s Day without their dads. Read it here.

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PM Tsvangirai Sees More Tragedy

Six gay men have been killed by members of their tribe in Iraq. The shootings occurred in two separate incidents, with that latest being on Thursday. There are reports that a restaurant was also set on fire, CNN.

The two-year-old grandson of Zimbabwe Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai drowned in a pool, just one month after Tsvangirai’s wife was killed in a car crash. The Prime Minister is a primary opponent of President Robert Mugabe, who is accused of imperialism, among other charges, and is widely criticized by international political bodies. PM Tsvangirai has been arrested many times and tortured by police, has been the target of a credible assassination plot, and won a presidential election in the country last year, which Mugabe insisted he won and retained the seat, Sky News.

President Obama in a visit to the country has said he backs Turkey’s request to be part of the European Union. Obama believes this would signal to Muslims that they were welcome, saying “The United States and Europe must approach Muslims as our friends, neighbors and partners in fighting injustice, intolerance and violence, forging a relationship based on mutual respect and mutual interest.” Obama will be in Turkey for the next two days, BBC News.

And the #1 World News Story: No Accord at UN Talks on North Korea.

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